I was hoping someone could direct me to the process of editing and creating a new playermodel for one of the basic clans? I have manually swapped files between two premade mods to change a model from one mod to be in a different clan, but unfortunately most of my model editing has always been texture edits (which I don't know how to get to stick with VTMB), and basic model editing with Morrowind.
I know from a brief look there was model editing tutorial in the pinned section for tutorials, but I wanted to be sure if there were other steps I needed to keep in mind for modding a playermodel in specific.
Thank you very much for your time! I love this game and would love to try my hand at making my own custom playermodels for the clans! (i am used to suffering with modding due to being a little bit slow with technical details so im not expecting an easy time, i just like doing this nonsense anyways)
Start with making a simple skin if your having issues with Bloodlines textures then move on. Simple skin recolours.
Install the SDK so converting textures is on the fly via right click .tth > .tga but other than that. Right click the .tga > .ttz. Vice versa. Replace old with new files. SDK install instruction are in it folder in UP patch extras.
I tried to make a new tutorial the other day and my heart was not in it so follow the tutorials and plenty of info on old sites on wayback machine where I discussed this and others have to final death. Also, SDK Menu never appears for me so Can't make the tutorials I want to anyway.
I'm not being rude here, but atm, I'm burnt out and not in the mood for discussing. What I may do is just do a start to finish basic Tutorial set that includes the steps of editing .vmt and altering model paths etc LIKE 'making of Jiggy Balls' but this isn't the time and no guarantees I will.
Thank you for the reply, I really hope you feel better and I am very sorry for the inconvenience! I will follow the old guides and very much appreciate you taking your time to reply to me, and I hope that you start having a better time soon!
Hi! I almost know nothing of modelling , but in my modding tries I notices that timitze creation2 is the only one that can use the "physical cannon" (you know the green ray that slows you), no other model can use, even if you assigned this weapon in the files. So, I wonder, if would be possible remodel this one?
Hi! I almost know nothing of modelling , but in my modding tries I notices that timitze creation2 is the only one that can use the "physical cannon" (you know the green ray that slows you), no other model can use, even if you assigned this weapon in the files. So, I wonder, if would be possible remodel this one?
I'm thinking that this attack is model specific. You might be able to find the actual name of attack via opening the creation2_full.mdl in hex editor like HxD. No idea how that would help.
I have zero idea if it possible or not.
Where is the model located for reference so someone might be able to remodel or just look? I mean the weapon model ? unless I'm confusing something.
Yeah, I know is model specif. But.. this model can be changed? could be converted to something more human?
I don't know maybe a remote chance using the skeleton from the model on another npc by trying Ilex tutorial and crossing fingers and hoping it works. It isn't intended for this but may work.
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